Sunday, December 18, 2011
How to get rid of yellow toenails
I love to paint my toenails. I have since I was young. I have had polish on my toenails for the last twenty years. My favorite color for my tootsies is red. There is one drawback to red toes and that is the yellow color the polish leaves behind. I have found a neat way to get rid of it. Soak you feet in a basin of warm water and two to three denture tabs for about five minutes. Then scrub with a nail brush or a tooth brush. The yellow should be gone.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
The most amazing peanut butter cups ever

For the chocolate:
1/2 cup smooth peanut butter
6 pieces of chocolate flavored almond barkFor the filling:
1/3 cup smooth peanut butter
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
First mix the filling together and roll into balls (12 or 24 depending*). They should be soft but hold their shape.
Set them aside and melt the almond bark and peanut butter together according to the directions on the back of the package. I prefer the microwave method. It is extremely important to do it as directed and not try to rush the process. You will burn the almond bark and it will taste nasty (personal experience)
Once melted place a small amount of the chocolate mixture into a baking cup (like for cupcakes). Take one of the balls and smash it a little so it is more like a hamburger patty than a ball. Place the patty in the same cup as the chocolate then cover with more of the chocolate mixture. Repeat until all the cups are full. Place in the freezer for about five minutes to set hard. Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.
*This recipe will make either 12 full size baking cups or 24 of the small baking cups. I prefer the small ones because these are rich.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
It's the pits

This awesome stain remover was found here: http://www.glamour.com/fashion/blogs/slaves-to-fashion/2008/10/style-secret-the-only-spot-rem.html
Friday, December 2, 2011
V is for Vick's
I used to take care of a patient that ate Vick's when he had a chest cold. Yes he ate it. I don't recommend this but I do have a couple of uses for Vick's beside as a chest rub.
*For night time coughs apply Vick's to your feet and put on a thick pair of socks before bedtime. This relieves the coughing.
*Vick's can also alleviate headaches. Dab some Vick's behind your ears. I know it sounds kooky but it really works.
*For night time coughs apply Vick's to your feet and put on a thick pair of socks before bedtime. This relieves the coughing.
*Vick's can also alleviate headaches. Dab some Vick's behind your ears. I know it sounds kooky but it really works.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Window Clings

Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Sap removal

Monday, November 28, 2011
Non skid socks

Sunday, November 27, 2011
Natural way to unclog drains

* I eyeball the baking soda so this is an estimation.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Shoo fly don't bother me

Monday, November 21, 2011
Peroxide to combat stains
OK this one has a bit of a back story so bear with me please. I was in nursing school and had to wear an all white uniform. Long story short I had a dressing change go bad (arterial spray was involved). Let's just say my white uniform had blood stains it. Horrified I went to the charge nurse about ready to cry. She promptly grabbed the bottle of peroxide and some 4x4 gauze and started scrubbing. It all came out!! Now it works best if you do it before it dries and the stain sets. If it has set in them it needs to soak for an hour or so then wash as normal. Peroxide is another fabulous mutlipurpose cleaner. More uses to come :)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sugar lips
Winter time is hard on your skin. Your lips are not immune. They get dry and crack. There is an easy fix. Make a paste of sugar and petroleum jelly and gently brush on dry, peeling lips with a toothbrush until they are smooth.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Dirty Dishwashers Beware

*It has to be lemonade. Other powdered drink flavors will not work. Also it needs to be the kind you sweeten when you make it, not the kind that is pre-sweetened
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Stinky laundry

I make my own laundry soap and one of the perks is that wet laundry doesn't seem to sour as easily. For the recipe follow the link below.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Uses for Vinegar take one

Vinegar has over a hundred of uses. I love the stuff. Here are a few uses for it while cooking:
~Add a few drops into the water while you are boiling eggs. I keeps them from cracking
~If a recipe calls for butter milk you can add a tablespoon of vinegar to a cup of milk and let stand for five minutes
~Use vinegar in an overnight marinade to tenderize tough cuts of meat.
Bon Appetite !
Friday, November 11, 2011
Pretty Pictures

Has your little one ever drawn a picture for you on your wall? Walls must call out to toddlers “Look at me all nice and mark free. Now go get your crayons and draw Mommy a picture” There is an inexpensive way to clean it. You put some toothpaste on a damp cloth, rub the stain, and then rinse with a clean wet cloth. Make sure you use the plain old white non-gel toothpaste. Nothing fancy like whitening toothpaste. Use the cheap stuff like the original Colgate
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Sock it to me
For minor aches and pains a heating pad can bring relief. You can make your own microwaveable heating pad. You take a clean sock and fill it with either dry corn or dry rice. You can sew it closed if you are so inclined. For those of us who don’t sew you simply secure the other end with a rubber band and/or ribbon. Microwave for one minute followed by thirty second intervals until you reach a desired temperature. The sock will conform to where the ache is. This works really well for neck pain.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Baby wipes
1 c water
1 tbsp baby wash
1 tbsp baby oil
1/2 of a roll of paper towels you have cut in half with a sharp knife
To make the wipes:
1. Mix all the liquid ingredients together.
2. Put paper towels in a large mixing bowl and pour the mixed liquid over the top of the paper towels.
3. Let the mixture soak through for approximately 10 minutes.
4. Turn paper towels upside down and allow to sit for another 10 minutes.
5. Pull out the center cardboard core and the wipes will pop up through the middle of the roll.
6. Store your homemade wipes in a gallon-size plastic bag, storage container with a lid or re-use an old disposable wipes container.
1 c water
1 tbsp baby wash
1 tbsp baby oil
1/2 of a roll of paper towels you have cut in half with a sharp knife
To make the wipes:
1. Mix all the liquid ingredients together.
2. Put paper towels in a large mixing bowl and pour the mixed liquid over the top of the paper towels.
3. Let the mixture soak through for approximately 10 minutes.
4. Turn paper towels upside down and allow to sit for another 10 minutes.
5. Pull out the center cardboard core and the wipes will pop up through the middle of the roll.
6. Store your homemade wipes in a gallon-size plastic bag, storage container with a lid or re-use an old disposable wipes container.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Plop plop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is...
Company should be here any minute and the toilet could use a cleaning. No toilet cleaner... No problem. You can drop a couple of Alka-Seltzer tabs into the toilet. Let them set in there for about twenty minutes then clean as you normally would. Denture cleaning tabs will work for this also. I have seen both of these products at the dollar stores.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Cruddy coffee maker
Coffee is a must in the morning. For the best tasting coffee you should clean your coffee maker monthly. It is fairly easy to do. You fill your coffee reservoir with 1 part vinegar and 4 parts water. Run the mixture through the maker like you were making coffee. When it is finished dump it out and run a full reservoir of water to rinse out any residue.
Now for burnt coffee. Is that not one of the stinkiest smells ever. If you have discovered burnt coffee in your pot first turn it off and let it cool completely. After cooled add 1/2 cup ice* and 2 tsp salt. Swirl the ice and salt mixture around for about a minute. Discard the ice in the sink and follow the steps above clean the maker and the pot.
*smaller ice works best but crushed ice will not work
Now for burnt coffee. Is that not one of the stinkiest smells ever. If you have discovered burnt coffee in your pot first turn it off and let it cool completely. After cooled add 1/2 cup ice* and 2 tsp salt. Swirl the ice and salt mixture around for about a minute. Discard the ice in the sink and follow the steps above clean the maker and the pot.
*smaller ice works best but crushed ice will not work
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Recipe to recipe: Tacos to soup
One easy way to save money is to take supper from last night and make into supper tonight. One of my favorites is to use leftover taco meat to make Santa Fe soup. Our hamburger comes in 1.5 lb packages so we always have leftover meat.
*Santa Fe soup:
Leftover taco meat
1lb Velveeta (half of the log) cubed
1 can kidney beans
1 cup frozen corn
1 package Knorr taco rice
1 can Rotel
3-4 cups of water depending how thick you want it.
Serve with corn chips
Combine all ingredient and cook on low for 4-6 hours in a slow cooker. This will thicken the longer you cook it. My husband likes it really thick like a dip. It can be cooked on the stove but you must watch it or it will burn on the bottom
*I generally cook on the fly. I don't use exact measurements so the amount of water is my best guess. You can adjust the water and cheese to taste.
*Santa Fe soup:
Leftover taco meat
1lb Velveeta (half of the log) cubed
1 can kidney beans
1 cup frozen corn
1 package Knorr taco rice
1 can Rotel
3-4 cups of water depending how thick you want it.
Serve with corn chips
Combine all ingredient and cook on low for 4-6 hours in a slow cooker. This will thicken the longer you cook it. My husband likes it really thick like a dip. It can be cooked on the stove but you must watch it or it will burn on the bottom
*I generally cook on the fly. I don't use exact measurements so the amount of water is my best guess. You can adjust the water and cheese to taste.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Paw print removal
We have an all glass front door. My two year old can't keep his hands off it ...literally. His finger prints are all over the inside and outside. He calls them his paw prints. I have heard about using vinegar to clean windows before but had never tried it. I won't post something I haven't tried myself. This afternoon we got home from shopping for groceries and I began to clean. I went to the laundry room to get the window cleaner. None there. I don't remember using the last of it. I am pretty sure my husband "borrowed" it and forgot to bring it back in from the garage. I decided to give the vinegar a try. To my surprise it worked very well. I was worried it would leave a pickle smell behind but it didn't. Here is what I did:
Take a spray bottle (I used on like you use to wet down your hair) and fill it 4 parts water to 1 part white vinegar. No more paw prints.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
The secret to soft skin......
Drumroll please............................ Crisco! I know the first reaction is usually "gross". At least that is what I thought when my son's doctor told me I could use it on his ezcema flares. But you know what it works and it is cheap especially if you buy a store brand vegetable shortening. Ok so here is how you use it:
~For ezcema you apply the shortening to the flare then wrap in cling wrap overnight. The cling wrap keeps it in contact with the skin.
~For dry cracked heals apply the shortening to your feet. Put on an old pair of socks overnight. Repeat as needed.
~For your face yes I said your face. Wash your face and apply a thin layer before bedtime. It keeps your skin well hydated and firmer looking. You don't look greasy when you wake up either. If your skin is prone to blemishes then I would not use it on your face.
~For everywhere else. You can use vegetable shortening as you would any other moisturizer after a shower.
As Loretta Lynn says "Crisco will do ya proud everytime"
~For ezcema you apply the shortening to the flare then wrap in cling wrap overnight. The cling wrap keeps it in contact with the skin.
~For dry cracked heals apply the shortening to your feet. Put on an old pair of socks overnight. Repeat as needed.
~For your face yes I said your face. Wash your face and apply a thin layer before bedtime. It keeps your skin well hydated and firmer looking. You don't look greasy when you wake up either. If your skin is prone to blemishes then I would not use it on your face.
~For everywhere else. You can use vegetable shortening as you would any other moisturizer after a shower.
As Loretta Lynn says "Crisco will do ya proud everytime"
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Three sheets to the wind
The last post was about using dryer sheets to pick up hair. Well that is not all they can do!! You can:
~ Place dryers sheets in stinky shoes overnight to get rid of the smell. I use these in my dress shoes. I am sure it would also work in sneakers.
~Remove stickers from the inside of the dryer drum. My boys leave stickers on their shirts all the time. Sometimes one get past me. I have read this works for gum on the inside of a dryer also but my boys don't chew gum so I haven't tried that one.
~A used dryer sheet can be used to remove deodorant marks from clothing. If you don't have any used around don't use one right out of the box. I did this once. It made a bigger mess than I already had.
There you have it. Three more uses for dryer sheets.
~ Place dryers sheets in stinky shoes overnight to get rid of the smell. I use these in my dress shoes. I am sure it would also work in sneakers.
~Remove stickers from the inside of the dryer drum. My boys leave stickers on their shirts all the time. Sometimes one get past me. I have read this works for gum on the inside of a dryer also but my boys don't chew gum so I haven't tried that one.
~A used dryer sheet can be used to remove deodorant marks from clothing. If you don't have any used around don't use one right out of the box. I did this once. It made a bigger mess than I already had.
There you have it. Three more uses for dryer sheets.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
A hairy situation
I cut my husband's hair last night. Afterwards he took a shower. A little while later I went into the bathroom and it looked like a hair bomb went off. What to do what to do?? I took a dryer sheet and attached it to a swiffer. The sheet picked up all the hair. I use one everytime I clean the bathroom. When you are finished sweeping the floor toss it in bathroom trash. It helps keep your bathroom smelling nice. I don't have indoor pets but I bet they would also pick up pet hair. Who would have thought that dryer sheets would be the answer to a hairy situation.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Bat those eye lashes
Have you ever heard that mascara was made from Guano? You know bat poo. Well it is not true but stop and think about this. Do you know what is in your mascara? You can use aloe on your lashes. I put a little on an eyebrow brush and apply to my lashes. Make sure to avoid getting it in your eyes. I then use the comb side of the brush to seperate the lashes. This works just as well if not better than clear mascara. The aloe conditions the lashes and when it dries it sets them like hairspray would.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Wendy the good little witch and her friend Hazel

Witch hazel can be used as an astringent to help clear up/prevent acne. It can be applied to the skin to ease the pain of a sunburn. You can apply it to a bruise three times a day to make it fade quicker. Dab a little under you eyes, avoiding
direct contact with your eyes, to shrink the bags under your eyes. You may have
heard of using hemorrhoid cream to shrink those bags. Witch hazel is one of the
active ingredients in those creams.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Oatmeal.... it is not just for breakfast
My son has ezcema and at times gets some pretty nasty flares. We have splent plenty on lotions and ointments, one cost $100 for a tiny tube!! Something that I have found helps is oatmeal bathes. You put a cup of plain oatmeal, not the instant kind, in a food processor or blender and process into a fine powder. Add the oatmeal to a warm but not hot bath. If you have flares on your face you can cook the plain oatmeal as directed and let cool. Once cool apply to your face, leave on for 15 minutes then wash off.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
feelin the burn
Ever since I got pregnant with my second son I have had a problem with heartburn. I am not talking about a little discomfort. I mean wake you up out of a deep sleep, throat on fire heartburn. I was going through a bottle of antacids every couple of weeks. I only used a particular kind and flavor that cost around $4 a bottle. I thought it was well worth the price. One night it was a wake up on fire night. I went to the bathroom, opened the medicine cabinet and confronted my worst nightmare. I was out of antacid. I was in a panic. What was I going to do? Then I remembered my uncle Doug telling me that he eats baking soda when he had heartburn. Hmmm was it worth a try? At this point I was willing to try anything. I could not make myself eat baking soda but I was willing to drink some dissolved in water. I took a spoonful of baking soda and disolved it in a small amount of warm water. I held my nose and chugged it down. I stood there for a couple of seconds and proceeded to have the biggest burb in my life. Relief was instantaneous. No more antacids in this house. Instead of paying $4 for a bottle of antacid I pay under a dollar for a box of baking soda. I will warn you it does not taste the greatest but it is totally worth it!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Noodle use your noodle
When my oldest was little he loved a show called PB&J Otter. They were brother and sister otters that would figure out problematic situations by doing their noodle dance. The dance song started with the line noodle use your noodle. One night I came home with the full intention of making beef and noodles from leftover roast. I opened my freezer and started digging for my favorite brand of frozen noodles. None in sight. Great now what was I going to do. I got out my cook books and started looking. I came across an egg noodle recipe that seemed simple enough. They turned out wonderful!! I was paying around 3.50 a bag for my favorite frozen noodles. This recipe makes the same amount and costs 75 cents.
2 cups flour
2 large eggs
2 tbsp of oil*
2 tbsp of water
2 tbsp of milk
1/2 tsp of salt.
Beat the eggs. Add in the oil, water, salt, and flour. Mix well with a fork to form dough. Roll thin on a well floured surface. Cut into then strips with a pizza cutter. Drop into boiling broth. Cook for 20-25 minutes.
This works well for beef and noodles or chicken and noodles.
*I used olive oil once and it gave the noodles a different taste. We didn't like it so I stick to canola oil.
2 cups flour
2 large eggs
2 tbsp of oil*
2 tbsp of water
2 tbsp of milk
1/2 tsp of salt.
Beat the eggs. Add in the oil, water, salt, and flour. Mix well with a fork to form dough. Roll thin on a well floured surface. Cut into then strips with a pizza cutter. Drop into boiling broth. Cook for 20-25 minutes.
This works well for beef and noodles or chicken and noodles.
*I used olive oil once and it gave the noodles a different taste. We didn't like it so I stick to canola oil.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Balms away
It is that time of year again when the heaters come on, the air dries out, and the cold winds blow. It is chapped lips season. Have you ever flipped over your lip balm and read the ingredients. I feel like I am back in high school chemistry class (shout out to Mr. Reeves). I recently looked at the ingredients in a tube of Nivea Kiss of Smoothness lip balm. It had over twenty ingredients. I could pronounce two, water and lanolin. By the way did you that lanolin comes from secretions of the sebaceous glands of wool-bearing mammals. In plain english.... sheep sweat. Yummy huh. I went searching for a truly natural non-animal sweat containing lip balm. I found many. Most of them had ingredients that I would have to go to a specialty store to buy. No savings there. I finally came across some recipes using vegetable shortening as the base. I have that in the pantry so away I went. This is the one I came up with.
1 tablespoon vegetable shortening
1/8 tsp olive oil
1/8 tsp vanilla extract
1 squirt natural honey not the cheap honey flavored corn syrup.
1 empty clean small container. I actually use an old prescription bottle. Anything you can come up with is fine as long as it is cleaned and dried before you put the balm in.
In a microwave safe bowl melt the vegetable shortening. Add the oil, vanilla, and honey. Mix well. Put into the cleaned container to cool and set back up. You can use any extract you like to flavor it. If you would like it colored use food coloring.
* I use this as a preventitive balm. I am not sure how well this would work healing severely chapped lips.
1 tablespoon vegetable shortening
1/8 tsp olive oil
1/8 tsp vanilla extract
1 squirt natural honey not the cheap honey flavored corn syrup.
1 empty clean small container. I actually use an old prescription bottle. Anything you can come up with is fine as long as it is cleaned and dried before you put the balm in.
In a microwave safe bowl melt the vegetable shortening. Add the oil, vanilla, and honey. Mix well. Put into the cleaned container to cool and set back up. You can use any extract you like to flavor it. If you would like it colored use food coloring.
* I use this as a preventitive balm. I am not sure how well this would work healing severely chapped lips.
Biore be gone
I can remember standing in the bathroom with my sister counting 1.....2.....3. We would pull off the dried Biore strips. We would then hold them up towards the light to see what we had just pulled out of our pores. "Eww gross look at that! " Now a days I don't spend money on black head removal. It is fairly easy to do it at home. You will need:
School glue and time.
Apply a thick layer of school glue to the affected area*. Let it dry completely. This is a very important step or it won't work. After it is dried slowly remove. Hold up to the light and say "Eww gross look at that!"
That last step is optional :)
*I have used this on my nose only but I am sure it would work on any area.
School glue and time.
Apply a thick layer of school glue to the affected area*. Let it dry completely. This is a very important step or it won't work. After it is dried slowly remove. Hold up to the light and say "Eww gross look at that!"
That last step is optional :)
*I have used this on my nose only but I am sure it would work on any area.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Liquid Laundry Soap
This is where it all started. My first home made savings.
4c hot water
1 Fels-Naptha soap bar
1 cup Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda
1/2 cup Borax
Grate the bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted. Fill a 5 gal bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soap, and borax. Stir well until all the powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to the top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit over night to thicken. Stir and fill a used, clean laundry soap bottlle half full with soap then the rest of the way with water. Shake before each use. Use 5/8 cup for top loaders and 1/4 for front loaders.
This is Michelle Duggar's recipe from her site http://www.duggarfamily.com/content/duggar_recipes/30455/Homemade%20Liquid%20Laundry%20Soap-%20Front%20or%20top%20load%20machine-%20best%20value
I love this stuff!!
4c hot water
1 Fels-Naptha soap bar
1 cup Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda
1/2 cup Borax
Grate the bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted. Fill a 5 gal bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soap, and borax. Stir well until all the powder is dissolved. Fill bucket to the top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit over night to thicken. Stir and fill a used, clean laundry soap bottlle half full with soap then the rest of the way with water. Shake before each use. Use 5/8 cup for top loaders and 1/4 for front loaders.
This is Michelle Duggar's recipe from her site http://www.duggarfamily.com/content/duggar_recipes/30455/Homemade%20Liquid%20Laundry%20Soap-%20Front%20or%20top%20load%20machine-%20best%20value
I love this stuff!!
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