I thought with it being Halloween I would share with you uses for witch hazel. I recently bought a 16 oz bottle at Wal-Mart for under $2.00. First let me start by saying I have seen many uses on various websites that include ingesting witch hazel for a multitude of symptoms. I do not recommend this. The FDA does not regulate any kind of supplement that is sold over the counter. That being said I have used it topically for many things.
Witch hazel can be used as an astringent to help clear up/prevent acne. It can be applied to the skin to ease the pain of a sunburn. You can apply it to a bruise three times a day to make it fade quicker. Dab a little under you eyes, avoiding
direct contact with your eyes, to shrink the bags under your eyes. You may have
heard of using hemorrhoid cream to shrink those bags. Witch hazel is one of the
active ingredients in those creams.
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