Sunday, December 18, 2011

How to get rid of yellow toenails

I love to paint my toenails.  I have since I was young.  I have had polish on my toenails for the last twenty years.  My favorite color for my tootsies is red.  There is one drawback to red toes and that is the yellow color the polish leaves behind.  I have found a neat way to get rid of it.  Soak you feet in a basin of warm water and two to three denture tabs for about five minutes.  Then scrub with a nail brush or a tooth brush.  The yellow should be gone.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The most amazing peanut butter cups ever

When I was in second grade I, along with most of the kids in my grade school, got the chicken pox.  My mom made these for my sister and I to help ease the misery.  I have made these dozens of times since then.  Everyone says that are even better then  Reese's pb cups.
For the chocolate:
1/2 cup smooth peanut butter
6 pieces of chocolate flavored almond bark

For the filling:
1/3 cup smooth peanut butter
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract

First mix the filling together and roll into balls (12 or 24 depending*).  They should be soft but hold their shape.
Set them aside and melt the almond bark and peanut butter together according to the directions on the back of the package.  I prefer the microwave method. It is extremely important to do it as directed and not try to rush the process.  You will burn the almond bark and it will taste nasty (personal experience)

Once melted place a small amount of the chocolate mixture into a baking cup (like for cupcakes).  Take one of the balls and smash it a little so it is more like a hamburger patty than a ball.  Place the patty in the same cup as the chocolate then cover with more of the chocolate mixture.  Repeat until all the cups are full.  Place in the freezer for about five minutes to set hard.  Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

*This recipe will make either 12 full size baking cups or 24 of the small baking cups.  I prefer the small ones because these are rich.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

It's the pits

There are some stains that just that are the pits.  Armpits that is.  That nasty yellow stain on tee shirts and under shirts.  I have finally found something that works.  It is super simple.  Make a mixture of one part dawn dish detergent (the plain blue kind) to two parts hydrogen peroxide. It works on all kinds of stains. You can use this as a spot remover for small stains or make a larger batch and submerge the garment in the solution. 

This awesome stain remover was found here:

Friday, December 2, 2011

V is for Vick's

I used to take care of a patient that ate Vick's when he had a chest cold.   Yes he ate it.  I don't recommend this but I do have a couple of  uses for Vick's beside as a chest rub.

*For night time coughs apply Vick's to your feet and put on a thick pair of socks before bedtime.  This relieves the coughing.

*Vick's can also alleviate headaches.  Dab some Vick's behind your ears.  I know it sounds kooky but it really works.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Window Clings

We decorate the windows in our office with window clings for every holiday and season possible.  Sometimes we can't find just what we are looking for so I went on the hunt to see how to make my own.  I found a method that works really well.  You take either parchment paper or those clear page protectors found in office supplies.  Take an image you want to make a cling.  Paper clip the paper with the image to the parchment or page protector.  Kind of like when you would trace stuff when you were little.  Then take Puffy Paint and "color" in the image.  Allow to dry on the parchment or page protector for 6-8 hours.  They have to be completely dry.  Carefully peel from the parchment or protector.  Then stick onto the window.  These don't stick really well to cold windows.